articles and blog posts

growth hormone, peptides, and our clinic
From the desk of our founder, Dr. Ron Brown:
”There has been growing interest and inquiries regarding the prescription and use of peptides through True Balance. The situation is complicated and I will try to lay it out in simple terms…

testosterone injections
Since the 1950’s testosterone has been primarily administered by intramuscular injection for men. Yet, there has been increasing evidence and support that testosterone can be given by subcutaneous injection, rather than by intramuscular injection.

progesterone vs. progestins
There has been much confusion over the differences between Progesterone and progestins. Conventional medicine made no distinction between the 2 classes of hormones. The Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) showed that there is in fact a very big difference.

homocysteine risks
An inadequate intake of B vitamins, as well as genetic factors that affect the body’s absorption and use of folic acid, can lead to elevated homocysteine levels.

DHEA therapy for the aging immune system
From the desk of our founder, Dr. Ron Brown:
As we age our natural production of DHEA declines. Parallel to this, we experience a decline in our immune system function and its ability to fight viral infections. At True Balance, we have used DHEA as an integral part of our BHRT program since its inception.

shift work and testosterone
Studies have shown that sleep in shift workers is typically shortened or displaced. This sleep disturbance affects the bodies circadian rhythm which impacts the production and regulation of several important hormones.

progesterone and the estrogens
Estrogen dominance is the most common hormone imbalance in cycling women. Progesterone deficiency symptoms are the same symptoms that occur with estrogen dominance.