neuralchek + braintap
are you managing your stress, or is stress managing you?
Your nervous system is a network of neurons (tiny nerve cells) that transmit signals between your brain and the rest of your body. The nervous system is best known for helping you push through and recover from stressful events by engaging a series of processes within your body to help it respond appropriately to stressors. However, under severe or prolonged stress, your nervous system can become stuck in fight or flight, leaving your nervous system imbalanced, your brain in a low-frequency state, and your body suffering from a host of uncomfortable symptoms.
Our wellness check gives you the answers to why your wellness may be suffering. More importantly, it allows us to more accurately pinpoint potential sources of your symptoms. This gives us the power to create a detailed wellness program that can move you towards real healing. Once your scan is complete, you and a member of our medical division can discuss the best options for healing your nervous system and achieving a higher state of health and wellness.
the unbalanced nervous system
An under-aroused nervous system, also known as hypoarousal, is neither stuck in fight or flight, but freeze. In this state, our PNS is activated easily and frequently to protect us from excess stress.
Symptoms include:
poor attention span, depression, difficulty waking up, impulsivity, lacking motivation, overthinking, easily distracted, spacy, low energy, disorganized, constipated, and chronic pain. -
An over-aroused nervous system, also known as hyperarousal, is stuck in the fight or flight mode. In this state, our SNS is activated easily and frequently to respond to excess stress.
Symptoms include:
poor circulation, heart palpitations, tight or sore muscles, restless sleep, teeth grinding, poor immune system, anxiety, racing mind, irritable bowel, high blood pressure, accelerated aging, and explosive emotions or difficulty emotionally regulating. -
An unstable nervous system may be a sign your system is nearing exhaustion due to being over, or under aroused for a prolonged period.
Symptoms include:
migraines, hot flashes, headaches, seizures, sleepwalking, PMS, food sensitivities, bed wetting, disordered eating, disordered mood, and panic attacks. -
After prolonged periods of high-stress, your nervous system will begin to exhaust itself. Nervous system exhaustion shows strong correlations with the following diseases and disorders:
cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis (MS), epstein-barr syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), fibromyalgia, diabetes, and depression.
Prolonged stress can have a significant impact on health including sleep disturbances, mental health disruptions, hormonal imbalances, immune system suppression, and digestive issues just to name a few.
More importantly, a prolonged imbalance of the nervous system essentially paves the way for more serious illnesses like cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis (MS), diabetes, and depression. Bringing your nervous system back into a balanced state may help to get rid of uncomfortable symptoms.
rebalancing your systems
During our wellness check we use an advanced software called NeuralChek, to scan for your heart rate variability (HRV). This heartbeat interval measurement tells us about your body’s ability to recover from stress, while the added Fourier Transform technology delineates which part of your nervous system is currently in control. Your HRV is analyzed and reported back to us through various channels, allowing our specialists to provide you with a material representation of your brainwave activity, your stress index, your current hormonal regulation, and a measurement of your body's real biological age.
The Wellness Check shows an invaluable amount of information on how your nervous system is functioning. The scan also has a stress index that will give you an opportunity to see something that has been invisible to you: how hard the nervous system has to work to achieve balance. This presents a huge opportunity to assess and correct many areas of health at once.
Following your scan, we implement a 20-minute BrainTap session that activates full-spectrum brainwave activity. This allows for maximum neuroplasticity, making the brain more flexible, resilient, and ready for optimal performance. Furthermore, stimulation from the BrainTap boosts brain levels of serotonin, beta-endorphins, and norepinephrine to improve nervous system regulation. Afterwards, our team will provide program recommendations and wellness guidance to get you started on living your best, balanced life.